Monday, April 11, 2011

Octopus Balls - Takoyaki

Yes yes, so, octopus have balls. /lamejoke

Some time last month me and hubby attended this Japanese cooking class hosted by the Japanese Language Society of Malaysia (JLSM).  Agenda of the class that day was Takoyaki, basically octopus coated with finely shredded vegetables and batter, skillfully rolled into balls with this special takoyaki tray, and served with okonomi sauce (taste kinda like Worcester sauce+sugar+sake, I think) with bonito flakes and aonori (fine, powdered seaweed), and mayonnaise is optional but highly recommended. :)

By the way, it doesn't strictly have to be octopus, it can be anything you like, such as prawns, fish bits, imitation crab, diced chicken bits etc. It's just traditionally octopus, but you don't have to follow it to the dot.

First, pour in batter, then put in octopus bits

Then, topped with shredded carrots and cabbages

Once one side is cooked, poke it with a bamboo skewer and flip it to a side, the ultimate goal is to let all sides cooked, and roll it into a ball, this requires skill! Or a really good takoyaki pan.

Completed dish, served with bonito flakes, okonomi sauce, aonori and mayonnaise

Now THIS, is good stuff! Closed up picture for your viewing pleasure! :D Thinking about it makes me feel like making em again... Anyone know where I can get this pan in Malaysia?

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