Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ah khoon Loh Mee

Penang style Loh mee is one of my favorite types of noodles, this can't be found in KL or subang jaya, so usually I will visit this stall when I'm back home.

The shop front

  A full bowl of noodles with extra condiments

Must eat with these, chili paste and vinegar, so you can imagine the taste is like spicy and sour, plus we eat it with finely chopped garlic soaked in oil (ok my mum said it's soaked in vinegar, but it feels oily to me so I can't say for sure), too good for words!

Closer view of the noodles

This bowl of extra condiments Loh mee costs only about RM3.80, yummy and so much more worth it compared to the bowl of noodles plus nothingness we usually eat in KL's hawker stalls. 

The only regret is I can't eat this more often.

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