Monday, May 2, 2011

Ah Tuan Ee's Place @ SS2

I love savoury, sour and spicy food. My palette has been shaped by growing up in Penang, the land of fabulous hawker food and wonderful Penang nyonya fare. I have tried a number of nyonya restaurants in KL and they don't usually come close to the type of nyonya cuisine I'm used except for a restaurant called Ah Tuan Ee's Place.

Le hubby and I have been to both the SS2 and The Curve branches a few times. I prefer the food quality and portions at SS2 because I find them to be slightly tastier and a bit more generous. I also like that it's generally quieter than the one at The Curve too.

The ambience is quite warm and a little old-school. They were playing some Richard Clayderman piano music from the overhead speakers and it was a little loud because we were the only patrons there and we are fairly quiet people so that's all we've been hearing. I'm not a fan of Mr. Clayderman's music but I was hesitant about asking them to change the CD. After all, I was there for the food.

* click on photo to make big *

My favourite dish at Ah Tuan Ee is Perut Ikan (literally translated as "fish stomach"). It sounds unappetising but is in fact such a glorious nyonya dish. Their version consists of 12 different vegetables, aromatic herbs and spices along with the fish stomach (usually dried and fermented) in a delightfully savoury, sour and spicy concoction that often whets my appetite just thinking about it.

We also ordered the Gulai Tumis, with slices of sole fish in a hot and tangy broth. It was the first time trying the dish out at Ah Tuan Ee's and we weren't disappointed. The fish was prepared well and didn't have any fishy odours (which I cannot stand) and the "gulai" (light curry) was very tasty.

Le hubby needed some meat because he cannot survive on seafood alone, so we ordered the Pandan Chicken as well. I'm not that big into fried chicken and only had a piece. It was very tasty as it has been marinated in some fragrant marinade (I forgot to read the description) and fried to perfection.

We couldn't finish all the dishes and had to tapau (take-away) a couple back. I believe the small (S) servings are generally good to share between two to four people. They offer larger servings too if you have a bigger group.

The prices at Ah Tuan Ee have increased over the years and they are now quite expensive for a simple nyonya restaurant. I think most dishes, if not all, are at least RM4 extra. This is why we don't visit very often because it is not a cheap eatery and it is halal (no pork). Penang nyonya have quite a few good porky dishes and it's a shame they are not served widely in KL nyonya restaurants.

Prices :
Cendol = RM6.80
Perut Ikan = RM20.80
Gulai Tumis Fish = RM22.80
Pandan Chicken = RM20.80
Steamed Rice (small) = RM1.50
Boiled Water (with ice) = RM0.80

Location :
Ah Tuan Ee's Place
74, Jalan SS2/72, Petaling Jaya, 47300 Selangor.

Contact : 03 7957 2915

1 comment:

Reiko said...

Looks very nice, must try one day!

I've tried making perut ikan with my aunt who has penang nyonya origins before, it is a really painstaking dish to make, so many ingredients and so much to prepare!!